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One of the most damaging myths around poverty has always been that it is somehow inevitable – the idea that while some people enjoy a life of fortune, there will always be others who cannot afford food. But the state of extreme poverty developing for disabled people in this country is not an accident, but rather a direct reflection of the system that’s been created in recent years. The Heriot-Watt research found that the most common causes of destitution were unsustainable debt repayments to public authorities, such as council tax arrears, as council tax changes meant that thousands of the poorest families had to contribute to the payment for the first time. Other factors included high rents and benefit delays, when disabled people are left with no money in their bank account because of benefit backlogs at the DWP.
Notably, in its report on the first study, the Guardian stated that the Heriot-Watt team’s review of recent poverty research found little mention of destitution before 2012 – just as austerity cuts began to come into effect.16 It’s no coincidence that the only exception prior to 2012 was in relation to asylum seekers: people with restricted entitlement to social security. Through the age of austerity, disabled people were experiencing the type of abandonment typically saved for a group legally excluded from it. Under the regime of ‘all in together’ and ‘difficult decisions’, politicians were ushering in a wave of austerity measures against the very people Britain’s ‘safety net’ was said to protect.
Overall, the 2010 coalition set in motion £28 billion worth of cuts to disabled people’s income,17 including the introduction of the bedroom tax, cuts to council tax support, the roll-out of the out-of-work sickness benefit ESA, and the tightening of benefit sanction rules. Analysis by the House of Commons Library for Frank Field MP in 2018 found that spending on welfare benefits for the UK’s poorest families will have shrunk by nearly a quarter after a decade of austerity, with some of the most striking cuts hitting disability benefits.18 To its architects, these changes marked the most ambitious reform of the welfare state for more than sixty years. To its disabled targets, an all-out assault on their lives. As Susan and Bessie can testify, these were not cuts that came singularly, but were experienced as multiple changes at once. When, say, the bedroom tax came in, the odds were it would be hitting people already falling short on rent because they’ve lost their council tax support. In politics, they call it ‘cumulative impact’; in human terms, it’s like being struck over and over again.
Ministers have consistently refused to conduct a full analysis of the changes, instead releasing an evaluation of each policy in isolation. This was the case even after the War on Welfare (WOW) petition – organized by a group of disabled volunteers – gained a debate in the House of Parliament in 2014 to challenge the government. As Claudia Wood from the think tank Demos put it, failing to analyse the cumulative impact of multiple disability cuts at best gives an incomplete picture.19 At worst, it provides the illusion that these are cuts that are being fairly and evenly spread.
In its place, Demos and disability charity Scope tracked the damage of the cuts on disabled people in 2013, modelling a series of cumulative impact assessments across fifteen disability benefit ‘reforms’. It found that by 2017–18, 3.7 million disabled people would experience a reduction in income.20 Hundreds of thousands of them would be subject to up to six cuts simultaneously, or, as the researchers put it, the changes would hit ‘the same group of disabled people over and over again’.21 In cash terms, that translates as a Parkinson’s patient or paraplegic having their income cut by thousands of pounds a year. The Centre for Welfare Reform calculated that, by 2018,22 disabled people would on average be losing over £4,400 per person per annum. For severely disabled people, that goes up to almost £9,000. For many, this loss is even greater: by 2018, around 200,000 will have lost between £15,000 and £18,000 in income through a combination of cuts.
Over the following years, this is set to further take its toll. While the implementation of the first wave of disability cuts is completed, latest measures – ushered in by a succession of Conservative-led governments – will roll out. As of 2017, new recipients of one category of ESA have seen the benefit shrink by almost a third – down to seventy-three pounds a week – with half a million people who are too disabled or sick to work set to lose over £1,500 a year each.23 Universal Credit – the all-in-one benefit system scheduled to be rolled out to eight million households by 2023 – is due to make 450,000 disabled people financially worse off,24 with some losing as much as £4,000 a year from the changes. At the same time, wider austerity measures, from ongoing benefit freezes to the gutting of local council services – relied on heavily by disabled people – will add to the burden.
The EHRC calculate that by 2022, the combined tax, social security and public spending policies carried out since 2010 will put a particular burden on disabled people. Families with a disabled adult as well as a disabled child will shoulder annual cash losses of just over £6,500 as a result of tax and benefit changes (or about 14 per cent of their net income).25 Grimly, the study found that households of people with the most serious disabilities actually stand to lose the most.
This is palpably the ultimate death knell of the welfare state. Since its inception in late 1940s post-war Britain, the welfare state has produced some great strides for disabled people. Under the increasing growth of the state, the late 1940s to the mid-1960s marked a fundamental shift from the squalor of the workhouses – in which the destitute disabled were abandoned – to the belief that disabled people’s living standards were increasingly a responsibility of the government. This also marked progress in cultural understandings of disability, as disabled people – throughout history said to be cursed, insane or simply lazy – began to be seen, at least in part, as members of society. The return of disabled servicemen motivated the first major state protection for disabled people; the 1944 Disability Employment Act promised sheltered employment and employment quotas for disabled people, while the National Insurance Act (1945) provided unemployment and sick pay for the long-term disabled.
Yet by the 1990s, while race and sex discrimination had long become illegal, disabled people in Britain were still the only group not to have basic rights enshrined in law. There was still no guaranteed access to work, transport or education.
Gains that did occur during this period were not handed down by a benevolent government but were the result of long-term lobbying and grass-roots activists. As I was at school in the summer of 1992, disabled activists with wheelchairs and placards filled the streets, descended en masse to the television headquarters of Telethon ’92 – ITV’s then annual twenty-eight-hour fundraiser. The protesters were not simply challenging what they saw to be the programme’s damaging depiction of disabled people – pitiable and tragic – but a country that, however well intentioned, was willing to grant charity handouts to disabled people, but not equality.
Regular protests followed: from wheelchair users kettled by police outside Westminster, to disabled people handcuffing themselves to buses. By the mid-1990s, disabled campaigners had successfully pushed for the Disability Discrimination Act – for the first time in Britain the law provided disabled citizens with access to the workplace, and with it a wage (employers were required to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to work and premises). It also saw the launch of the landmark benefit Disability Living Allowance, a benefit introduced to help disabled people pay for the extra costs of mobility and care needs (from taxis to hospital appointments) that had previously pushed us into poverty. It embodied the principle of a universal safety net: no matter how rich or poor, in work or out, every disabled person was eligible to apply for help from the state.
It was fitting, then, that in a period that launched an unprecedented assault on disabled people’s living standards, one of the first major policies of the austerity era was the abolition of DLA. In April 2013, the coalition government began the roll-out of a replacement benefit, Personal Independence Payment (PIP) – in practice launching the mass, ma
ndatory retesting of around 3 million disabled people. The premise was simple: rather than a crucial safety net for millions of disabled citizens, this flagship benefit was being widely and brazenly exploited by swathes of scroungers.
At a time in which Benefit Street–style documentaries filled television screens and ‘benefit fraudsters’ emblazoned tabloid front pages, tellingly, the introduction of PIP came with the promise of tougher ‘points-based’ criteria and an end to the so-called ‘soft touch’ of DLA. As then work and pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith, put it to the Telegraph in 2012, losing a limb should not automatically entitle people ‘to a payout’.26 That DLA was actually one of the most effectively targeted benefits with an estimated fraud rate of just 0.5 per cent was somehow irrelevant.27
Barely a year into its introduction, Parliament’s public spending watchdog was calling the government’s handling of PIP ‘nothing short of a fiasco’,28 with reports of year-long delays and faulty rejections leaving family carers so poor they risked eviction from rent arrears and cancer patients unable to afford a taxi to hospital. In 2018, the Work and Pensions Select Committee released a report chronicling what it called the ‘untenable human costs’ of the system, highlighting assessments plagued by basic errors, disrespect and ignorance of health problems.29
One submission made to the committee spoke of how a person with Down syndrome was asked by an assessor how they ‘caught’ it. Others with frequent suicidal thoughts described being quizzed over why they hadn’t yet killed themselves. Another disabled woman recalled how her assessor reported that she walked a dog daily, when she can barely walk and does not own a dog. The consequence is the widespread removal of disability support: official government figures show that by December 2017 nearly half of disabled people put through these reassessments ended up having their support either cut or stopped entirely.30
This is not a horrible accident, but rather the architects’ intention. Before testing for PIP began, ministers estimated that 500,000 fewer sick and disabled working-age people would receive benefits due to the abolition of DLA31 – about a fifth of the total number receiving the benefit. It was ‘welfare’ reform carved out of a mounting suspicion of disabled people: after all, only if large numbers of disabled people were falsely claiming benefits could a government promise to reduce payments before anyone had even been reassessed.
That poverty is an individual moral failing has been relentlessly argued by those in power for nearly forty years. In this view the working class’s personal characteristics – say, a lack of ambition or effort – rather than an unequal society rigged in favour of the privileged is the root of inequality. It is a narrative that, by extension, neatly permits the state to wash its hands of a duty to assist those struggling under disadvantage.
Thatcher’s infamous ‘no such thing as society’ remark in 1987 was preceded by a line that is a summation of this individualism: ‘I think we’ve been through a period where too many people have been given to understand that if they have a problem, it’s the government’s job to cope with it.’ Over twenty-five years later, as austerity measures got under way, this language began to sharpen in the twenty-first century. When then work and pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith announced stricter conditions for unemployed jobseekers in 2013, he did it with the promise that it was an end to a ‘something-for-nothing culture’.32
Even as anti-welfare attitudes festered over decades, disabled people have been traditionally exempt from such criticisms of ‘dependency’. While, say, the figure of the workingclass jobseeker or single mother was said to ‘deserve’ contempt, disabled people – culturally seen as pitiable and passive – were widely viewed as the ‘good’ recipients of state help. This hierarchy of desert is, of course, unhelpful and ultimately unsustainable: not only does it suggest that non-disabled people in poverty are deserving of any misery they endure; it also relies on disabled people conforming to certain prejudices – that we are needy, weak, grateful – in order to be exempt. Damningly, as the post-2010 austerity era kicked in, even this faulty division didn’t last. Disabled people and their social security not only became fair game in the vilification of benefit claimants – they became the prime target. Newspapers and television shows hunted examples of the disabled ‘milking the state’. Politicians talked openly of the ‘bloated disability benefits bill’.
Against a backdrop of disenfranchisement, squeezed wages and a growing anti-‘welfare’ culture, Britain witnessed the emergence of ‘the underserving sick’: where not only is social and economic disadvantage a sign of personal failure, but also being disabled or ill. It was a double hit of individualism: not only could the fact that a person needed social security to stay afloat be blamed on their apparent lack of effort, but, as such, it also legitimized the belief that it’s a cost that the state shouldn’t have to pay. In this climate, disabled people were not equal human beings – or even pitiable and needy – but an underclass, lazy and deceitful. It combined a class hatred and revulsion of disability to uniquely scapegoat the disabled poor.
It was scapegoating that came with consequences. Two years into the coalition government in 2012, a group of disability charities reported a surge in hate crimes against disabled people, with public resentment over supposed mass abuse of the disability benefits system and negative media and government rhetoric said to be a key factor.33 Charities including Scope, Mencap and the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) reported that they were now regularly contacted by people who had been taunted on the street about supposedly faking their disability, with others saying the climate is so hostile they avoid going out. ‘When we go out, we get dirty looks in our wheelchairs. They’re thinking, “You can stand. You’re playing the system”,’ Susan tells me, years later. ‘It’s not just the media saying it. It’s people in the street.’
The clever thing about lighting a culture of suspicion is that the state can simultaneously cut support for a marginalized group while claiming it’s helping those who are ‘truly’ in need. From 2010 onwards, Conservative-led governments repeatedly argued that even while disability benefits were being cut, the ‘truly disabled’ would be protected. This was deceptive on two levels. It falsely suggested that the most severely disabled people would keep their social security. And it created the mythical idea that not every disabled person currently gaining support actually needed it. This policy created a hierarchy of disabled people: it was no longer enough to simply be disabled, you had to prove you were ‘disabled enough’.
As I began to meet disabled people impacted by the cuts from 2012, I noticed that more and more disabled people I spoke to wanted to reassure me that they understood that the welfare bill was out of control but that they needed their benefits – that they knew others were faking but that people like them deserved help. It isn’t hard to see why. As the first row of cuts began, the then disability minister Esther McVey bragged to the Mail on Sunday in 2013 that she was going after the ‘bogus’ disabled.34 Four years later, Theresa May’s then policy chief George Freeman was telling BBC 5 Live that disability benefits should go to the ‘really disabled’.35
While disadvantage is held up as a moral failing, in reality its structural causes are never more blatant than with disabled people’s poverty. As Susan and Bessie have found, the barriers to a decent income are frequent and brutal: be it a deficit in an adequate safety net of social security, being too ill to work, or a labour market that discriminates and excludes workers who need adaptations to enable them to earn a wage. But when it comes to a disabled person staying afloat, the issue isn’t simply how little goes in but how much has to go out.
The existence of the ‘poverty premium’ is now well established: that in fact it actually costs more to be poor. For example, having to pay a higher tariff on a pre-pay heating meter instead of a cheaper direct debit. Much less is said about the ‘disability poverty premium’ – the reality that, while being more likely to be on a low income, on a day-today basis, disabled people are
faced with extortionate outgoings. Research by Scope in 2018 found that life costs on average £570 more a month in Britain if you’re disabled:36 anything from buying specialist food to paying for taxis because public transport isn’t accessible. For one in five, it’s over £1,000 extra per month. In a climate in which disabled people’s income has been gutted, it means that the most basic human needs, like being warm and dry, are widely becoming too expensive to meet.
Take something as vital as heating. When someone like Susan has to get out of her wheelchair and huddle up in bed with her dog just to keep warm, she is in many ways living in a catch-22. She needs the heating more because she’s disabled – Scope has worked out that some disabled households spend more than twice as much on energy each year than the average family37 – but in a society that is overseeing a new era of disability poverty, her disability means that her income is so low that she’s less able to afford it.
When there isn’t enough money coming in for a human being to live on, there tend to be two options: going without what you need – Susan’s heating and food, Bessie’s oven and furniture – or borrowing to pay for it. In recent years, debt has ballooned in the UK with 8.3 million families in 2017 living with problem debt,38 fuelled by anything from low wages, the increase in the gig economy’s erratic incomes, to council tax charges. It shouldn’t be a surprise that what has hit the general population has hit those with disabilities and illness harder still: disabled people are twice as likely than non-disabled people to have unsecured debt totalling more than half of their household income, according to a Scope survey in 2013.39
This is not only a case of not having a cushion to cope with a sudden financial crisis – say a broken boiler or being made redundant – but of having an income so low that, week in week out, it won’t even cover essential bills. It’s a climate of borrowing money to survive: Scope finds that half of disabled people use credit cards or loans to pay for everyday items like food and clothes.40 As Susan in London puts it to me, ‘We’re not talking about getting a loan for a three-piece suite. New curtains. This is the bare necessities.’